
Сообщения за май, 2018
Beschleunigte Entwicklung Sie haben also eine geniale App oder eine Online-Service-Idee entwickelt, großartig!  Zeit, ein großartiges Team von Individuen zusammenzustellen, die dir helfen werden, es zum Leben zu erwecken!  Front-End Back-End, Marketing, Management und Storage, oh der kritische Teil des Speichers!  Wenn Sie vorhaben, eine umfangreiche Datenbank lokal zu führen, wird es Ihnen schwer fallen.  Zentralisierte Cloud-Lösungen von Amazon oder Google waren die beste Wahl.  Aber selbst diese großen Spieler sind nicht immun gegen Hackerangriffe. Der Verlust sensibler Informationen in Bezug auf Ihre Nutzer oder Kunden kann den Untergang Ihres Unternehmens in einem Augenblick bedeuten, da Sie Reparationskosten zahlen müssen und folglich neue Benutzer Ihrem Unternehmen nie wieder mit ihren sensiblen Informationen vertrauen werden. Auf dem Weg zu einer dezentralen P2P-Welt gehören Pannen wie diese der Vergangenheit an.  Die einzigartige Möglichkeit, Ihre gesammelten Daten
CryptoGlobal : World's First Hybrid P2P Digital Asset Exchange We believe there is the substantial possibility for development, in a market that is predicted to be worth an incredible $2trn by the end of 2018. Billions of users are yet to also begin purchasing the cryptocurrency market, so the possibility is vast. There billions of existing capitalists (as well as the 2billion unbanked) that look for to quickly and immediately trade their fiat current into cryptocurrency (as well as the other way around). So, we've built exactly that, at forefront of this eruptive development. A significant consider CryptoGlobal s progression and system is concentrated around our P2P offering of over 40 fiat money, 4 major cryptocurrencies readily available to buy and sell, we enable individuals to openly set their own rate, as well as markup their electronic asset, therefore allowing for their very own payment to be produced from trades. Furthermore, individuals are met with a custo
Akropolis меняет пенсионную систему Мы работаем и знаем, что когда-нибудь наши деньги, которые мы платим сегодня в пенсионный фонд, вернуться нам в виде пенсии, когда мы состаримся. Однако, нельзя в полной мере надеется на государство. Даже государственный сектор иногда может дать сбой. В итоге, ваши деньги, которые вам надо было выплатить в качестве пенсии, просто не будут выданы. Чтобы этого не произошло, следует воспользоваться платформой  Akropolis . Проект в ближайшее время собирается полностью поменять пенсионную систему. В частности, в области сохранения денежных средств. Система будет работать на инновационной базе, которая называется блокчейном. С использованием смарт-контрактов платформа будет предоставлять широкие возможности по обеспечению прозрачности в системе, свойствах децентрализации, а также полное выполнения всех условий в проекте. Вся информация сохраняется в блокчейне. Платформа позволяет сохранить нетронутыми все деньги, которые были накоплены за время
Impressio – Cryptocurrency investment platform for users to invest and grow their money Introducing Impressio Impressio Estate, Ltd. is a UK-based cryptocurrency investment platform for users worldwide to invest and grow their money, whether it is paid at once or in stages. The future of investment is in the impressio. Why is that? Because impressio provides comfort that has not been seen in the industry. There are many people who do not have the time and energy to find the right investment opportunity. Therefore, impressio is the choice. Impressio is happy to handle this. Impressio also offers the opportunity to earn more passive income through referrals. In this way, Impressio continues to grow your money, you can earn money by spreading the word about a great platform that can help your friends and family become more financially independent. Impressio also provides security in the new world and Impressio makes sure to increase your profits safely and responsibly. Impr
INSPEM - Blockchain Yang Mampu Mengenali Wajah dan Objek Menggunakan Ponsel dan Kamera Statis INSPEM -  Layanan INSPEM diperkenalkan pada tahun 2015; ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk menemukan orang lain yang mereka temui secara acak di kereta bawah tanah, di taman atau di lokasi lain. Kami berasumsi bahwa layanan semacam itu terutama akan digunakan oleh penonton laki-laki. Namun, seperti yang ditunjukkan data statistik, perempuan membuat 40% dari semua pengumuman. Para wanita hanya mengambil foto orang-orang yang mereka sukai di jalan dari kejauhan, mengunggah foto-foto itu ke layanan kami dan menunggu beberapa kenalan mengenali pria itu dan membagikan profil jejaring sosialnya. Inilah tepatnya versi pertama dari produk itu beberapa tahun yang lalu. Pada saat fondasi layanan kami ingin menjadi semacam analog dari acara TV "Tunggu saya", tetapi sebagai layanan online. Untuk informasi Anda: «Tunggu saya» adalah acara TV Rusia yang membantu menemukan lebih dari 20
PayVX — Le premier dans le domaine de la garantie CryptoCurrency Bonjour les amis  Qu'est-ce que PayVX? PayVX est la technologie de paiement la plus simple, la plus rapide et la plus sûre au monde. Le service d'entiercement crypto-monétaire fourni construit un pont sécurisé et crée une relation de confiance entre les deux parties pour les transactions commerciales en ligne. Comme les transactions cryptographiques sont irréversibles, traiter avec des parties non fiables représente un degré de risque important pour les acheteurs et les vendeurs. PayVX sécurise efficacement ce processus, assurant la confiance et la confiance pour le traitement de ces opérations. Pourquoi PayVX? La technologie de paiement la plus simple, la plus rapide et la plus sûre au monde. Assurance Chez payVX, notre objectif est d'assurer le service de paiement le plus sûr et le plus efficace disponible grâce à l'utilisation de notre réseau de paiement d'entiercement. Con
VOTEM presents a solution for transparent voting by creating the CastIron platform HUMANS are not always on their best behavior and when it does, it produces catastrophic results. Various parts of the world, elections to vote for governments are unjust for various reasons, such as rampant corruption, geopolitical conflicts and a lack of awareness of their impact. Voting in democracy is one of the greatest tools to assert your rights in the development and progress of the state. But given the cases of corrupt voting systems in many parts of the world, it seems that the current system process is not going in the right direction. The online selection has various problems and hence can not be adopted in many countries. Some issues in the adoption of online selection are generally mentioned below. Elections are essential to the success of democracy and therefore adopting a system that has a high risk of failure is not something many countries want to try. Elections are complex